Santa Elena, is known as the birthplace of the men, women, and tradition behind the "Desfile de las Flores" (Flower Parade), which is the highlight of Medellin’s annual "Feria de las Flores" (Flower Festival).
During Colonial times, the sick were carried down from Santa Elena to Medellin in crude wooden seats, on the backs of silleteros.
If that challenge wasn't enough, the silleteros walked barefoot a minimum of 3 hours each way to deliver their passengers.
Later, the seats were adapted for carrying other items, such as vegetables and flowers, which the silleteros would take to sell in the markets.
In the mid-1950’s, someone noticed the parades of beautiful flowers being hauled through the streets of Medellin, and suggested an event be made to celebrate them, and thus the "Desfile de las Flores" was born.
Typical Silletero house |
A Silletero sharing the history |
Silletera with a chair loaded with flowers |
Silvia carrying the Silletera |
Silvia still carrying the silletera |
Typical flower display carried in the parade. these can weigh up to 50 kgs |
Typical Silletera |
Painting showing the original use of the Silletera to transport people. The Uber of 200+ years ago |