Dracula's Legacy
A Wonderful Bar open all year round, however a perfect place to visit during Halloween, with it's themed Dracula decoration. Has great Hungarian wines and serves some great wine flytes with thematic names such as:-
Dracula Rose
Dark Maiden
Un bar maravilloso abierto todo el año, sin embargo, es un lugar perfecto para visitar durante Halloween, con su decoración temática de Drácula. Tiene excelentes vinos húngaros y sirve excelentes vinos con nombres temáticos como: -
Drácula rosa
Doncella oscura
Entrance to the bar |
Best seat in the Bar |
The bats are a little aggressive |
Wine Flyte |
Neighbourhood Decorations
I have to say that Floridians go all out when decorating for Halloween. We took a trip around several streets and managed to get these great photos. There were people touring on foot, in car and on golf buggies.
Debo decir que los floridanos hacen todo lo posible cuando decoran para Halloween. Hicimos un recorrido por varias calles y logramos obtener estas excelentes fotos. Había gente recorriendo a pie, en coche y en carritos de golf.